Another Shelsley Breakfast Club

This morning was a nice to give the freshly serviced TVR a roof-off run to the Shelsley Walsh Breakfast Club.

The family stayed at home as we were going on for lunch. The lunch, and last night’s large Chinese should have meant I didn’t need a big cooked breakfast, but it was too tempting.

On the drive there I spotted my friends in the Monaro, and gradually caught with them. Our flowing drive was slowed for the last couple of miles as we followed a slow and old car. I thought it could have pulled over at some point as there is no space to pass, but we were patient.

Unexpectedly there was a queue to get in at 09:10, but we were soon parked up and could start to look at cars.

1904 Oldsmobile

This car, a 1904 Oldsmobile,  had recently completed a US coast – coast drive. 3000 miles with a top speed of 25 mph. Good going.

There were a few American cars there, some an acquired taste.

Buick Roadmaster
Buick Skylark

Then there was the usual mix of high performance machinery including a 458 and 599. The carbon brakes on these are very impressive, filling the 20″ wheels. That looks like enough braking power for many cars.

Brakes big enough?
599, but the Griff 500 on the right is better…
Diners outside the restaurant
Muscular sporting coupe / GT. But someone has parked an Aston next to it in the way of my photo
Tidy Chimaera
Well presented Chimaera engine

I had a chat with a few people about the Tamora and its engine. It seems to get a positive reception which is nice. I hope that the car is a keeper and we want to do as much as we can to keep it running well and gradually upgrade it.

A few friends arrived just as I was heading off. It was a good day and a shame I couldn’t stay longer, but lunch beckoned and a fun afternoon out with friends.

The car drove well on the way home. It really is fun with the roof down. A few more slow drivers had come out to play, including one who liked doing 22mph in a really open 30 limit road.

Last photo before the car was put away. Hopefully we will sort out as date with CAT Driver Training soon.

Back home before roof on and back to the garage

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